Hey Friends - the school year is nearing the end already! Just over a month left.
I apologize for not posting. Behind the scenes, I've been learning a lot. I've been exposed to many different musicians; local and international; modern and classic. I have been writing a bit here and there... some instrumental jazz, some more accessible tunes with lyrics.
I hope to be recording a few songs this summer as I get time to digest the concepts and thoughts I have been taking in.
Troy Haws and Kathy Stacy at I was given a great piece of advise by a fantastic teacher. He told me that
Craig-Derroche Castle I should be exposing myself/ listening to unfamiliar music even if I think I
December 28, 2013. might not like it. That way I will know if I really do like it or don't and why, or
I might find a new artist! Do you fill your ipod/MP3 player with familiar music
or new music?
I apologize for not posting. Behind the scenes, I've been learning a lot. I've been exposed to many different musicians; local and international; modern and classic. I have been writing a bit here and there... some instrumental jazz, some more accessible tunes with lyrics.
I hope to be recording a few songs this summer as I get time to digest the concepts and thoughts I have been taking in.
Troy Haws and Kathy Stacy at I was given a great piece of advise by a fantastic teacher. He told me that
Craig-Derroche Castle I should be exposing myself/ listening to unfamiliar music even if I think I
December 28, 2013. might not like it. That way I will know if I really do like it or don't and why, or
I might find a new artist! Do you fill your ipod/MP3 player with familiar music
or new music?